And then Whitney Houston died and everybody was playing her songs, especially I Will Always Love You. I have listened to her singing that song at many different venues and always she manages to project such strong emotion. So I had my book title, not the song title but that first My darling, you - a YOU that includes everybody and makes all women who have lost out on love feel that she was singing that song for them. Since in some of the stories 'happily ever after' is not a possibility, I thought this was just right, and when I passed the idea by some friends they absolutely loved it.
The illustration is an indulgence - a picture of me and my husband at our wedding reception, many, many years ago. So now you know.
I actually dedicated the book to Whitney Houston. The more I listen to her music, the more I realize how superlatively extra special she was. As everybody has been saying, only once in a lifetime do we get a voice (and personality) like that.
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